Saturday, July 25, 2020

"Before the Wrath" Movie Giveaway

"Before the Wrath" is a docudrama style movie that addresses the much debated theme of the Rapture in a way that is encouraging and uplifting.

"Before the Wrath" is available in a variety of formats including: Blu-ray, DVD, and digital. It has been the #1-selling documentary DVD on Amazon for three straight months!

But concerning the times and the seasons, 
brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. 
For you yourselves know perfectly 
that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-2

Kevin Sorbo, from "Soul Surfer", "God's Not Dead", and "Hercules", narrates this docudrama and is joined by an amazing group of theological experts including: Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell, and JD Farag. 

My husband and I had the opportunity to view this movie and found it to be very hopeful. In hindsight we could have had our sensitive teens watch it too. The experts mentioned above are ones that my husband and I have watched in the past and have found to be reputable so it was great to see them share their insight in this movie.

Although many people debate the timing, and some even the likelihood, of the Rapture, this movie reveals the importance of knowing what Jesus, Himself, taught about the Rapture. This movie is full of hope for believers and serves as a reminder to share the gospel with others in preparation for Jesus' return.
Check out the trailer for "Before the Wrath" and share it with others! This message is so needed and relevant during these times of uncertainty and stress.

Themes in "Before the Wrath" include: prophecy, faith, and salvation.

"Before the Wrath" is recommended for fans of Bible stories and documentaries such as "Is Genesis History?", "Patterns of Evidence: Exodus", and "Finding Noah". Really anyone who's curious to learn more about the Rapture should see this movie regardless of what they believe.

Check it out: Visit "Before the Wrath" Official Website to learn more about the movie and about the experts involved in the making of the movie.

Buy it:
Visit "Before the Wrath" Order Now Page to order Blu-ray/DVD combo packs, DVDs, or Blu-ray and/or DVD combos with books. There is also a special deal offered on a 5 pack of DVDs.

Stream it:
Visit "Before the Wrath" Order Now Page and scroll to the bottom for information on how you can stream it on Christian Cinema, Amazon, or Vimeo on Demand

Win it:
One Sowing Dandelion Seeds reader will win a "Before the Wrath" DVD/Blu-ray set (if the winner is American) OR a "Before the Wrath" DVD (if the winner is Canadian).

Disclosure: Thanks to LEV3L, I was able to screen this movie at home and will receive a DVD in exchange for an honest review on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe would be good for my readers. 

~❀~ Chelsey ~❀~

Thursday, July 9, 2020

"Before the Wrath" Movie

Check out the trailer for "Before the Wrath" and share it with others:

Rent or buy "Before the Wrath". It's available now on Blu-Ray, DVD, and Digital.

Check out the Official Site of "Before the Wrath" to purchase or for more information and photos.

Experts involved in the movie include: Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell, and JD Farag.

But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, 
you have no need that I should write to you. 
For you yourselves know perfectly 
that the day of the Lord so comes 
as a thief in the night.

 ~❀~ Chelsey ~❀~

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Rapture and the Coronavirus

My husband and I just watched a sermon by JD Farag that explains a possible theory on how the coronavirus fits in with the timeline of the rapture of the Christian church.

Check it out if you're interested in finding out more: 

For those of you that prefer spoilers -- here is a glimpse of what JD Farag touches on in the video:

He made a good point that the technology spoken of in the Bible regarding the mark of the beast is technology we actually have at this time in history.

He went on to say that the Bible doesn't refer to any other technologies in Scripture beyond that (ie: travelling to other planets) which would suggest that the rapture is coming soon.


If you believe in Jesus Christ this is good news! If you don't yet believe, now is an excellent time to accept Jesus' forgiveness of your sins and the free gift of eternal life.

~❀~ Chelsey ~❀~

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Hope in Extreme Days

We are living in extreme days, but please know that there is always hope

If you are feeling fearful, remember 2 Timothy 1:7:

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

If you are feeling lonely, remember Hebrews 13:5b:

“For God Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” 

If you are feeling worried, remember Matthew 6:31-34:
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Matthew 6:31-34 set to music :)

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the trouble in the world, remember John 16:33
Jesus said: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

It might seem strange, but it reassures me that we have not been promised perfect lives. We will have trouble in this sinful, fallen world, but Jesus has overcome the world. We can have peace in knowing that through His death and His resurrection we can have eternal life with Him.

John 16:32 -- just one verse prior Jesus says "A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home."

This was said to the disciples, but it feels like Jesus' message of peace is being spoken directly to us at this time when we are all scattered to our own homes. Please remember -- Jesus' peace is for you. 

If you have questions about Jesus and how to have eternal life with Him in Heaven, please ask. If you know Jesus personally, please share the good news with others! 
 ~❀~ Chelsey ~❀~

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Stay Safe and Be Healthy...

Check out what VidAngel is doing to make the world a better place! 

VidAngel is free for two weeks (no credit card required thankfully). Check out Dry Bar Comedy episodes. We love clean comedy and we've watched a bunch of these comedy episodes. There are also Family Night Out titles and access to the Movieguide award-winning series THE CHOSEN which we are going to check out soon.

I don't know if this offer is only for the US, but give it a go and see if it works for you....

Laughter is the best medicine and the Love of the Saviour the best comfort of all.

~❀~ Chelsey ~❀~

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Mr. Rogers' legacy of kindness

Mr. Rogers was such an iconic and encouraging person. Tom Junod told of his real-life friendship with Mr. Rogers in his article "Can You Say... Hero?" (Esquire November 1988). Junod's life was ultimately changed as he encountered the kindness and compassion of Fred Rogers.

"Mutual caring relationships require 
kindness and patience, tolerance, optimism, 
joy in the other's achievements, confidence in oneself, 
and the ability to give without undue thought of gain."

Living in Canada without cable vision, meant I didn't grow up with Mr. Rogers. (Mr. Dressup was the main entertainer here in Canada.) Whether you grew up with Mr. Rogers, or not, the story of kindness is one everyone can embrace.

Mr. Rogers was an ordained minister (1963), although instead of being a pastor of a church, he spoke his message of hope and encouragement to children and their families through his TV show. Mr. Roger's mission was to inspire us to show kindness to others, to deal with difficult emotions, and to fix strained relationships.

"If we ... can only make it clear that feelings are mentionable 
and manageable, 
we will have done a great service for mental health." 

~❀~ Chelsey ~❀~

Friday, July 12, 2019

"The Lego Movie 2" -- Not Awesome

*This post is by 13 year old guest blogger, Elijah, who felt so strongly about this issue that he asked to write a review.* 

Character Development in The Lego Movie & The Lego Movie 2 Contradict Each Other

A lot of people would agree that the Lego Movie was a huge hit at the box office, selling over 630,916,045 Canadian dollars. Since the Lego Movie was such a hit, Warner Bros. made a sequel titled “The Lego Movie 2” selling 257,019,945 Canadian dollars. In my opinion The Lego Movie 2 is just a large cash grab with poorly strung out ideas that contradict the first film. The main problems are the characters, storyline, and the morals, In this article i will focus on the characters and explain how The Lego Movie and The Lego Movie 2 contradict each other.


Emmett (as portrayed by The Lego Movie) is a bit of a goofball, constantly making pathetic creations and having bad ideas. Later on in the movie Emmett becomes a “master builder” and learns to just be himself, but Lego Movie 2 sings a totally different song. In The Lego Movie 2, despite the apocalyptic surrounding, Emmet is still happy and Lucy tells him that he needs to stop pretending everything is awesome. Emmett spends the rest of the movie trying to be someone he's not.


In the first film Wildstyle is depicted to be insecure and tries to be dark and brooding but later learns from Emmet to just be herself, revealing her name to be Lucy. But apparently according to Lego Movie 2 she still wasn't being herself! Lucy apparently has the same personality as Emmet! Why wouldn't Lucy tell Emmet at the end of the first Lego Movie!?


In the Lego Movie, Fin's dad is represented by President Business and at the end of the movie he says that Fin's sister can come down into the basement and play with them, leading viewers to believe that the dad would play, build, and spend more time with his kids. In The Lego Movie 2 they threw that idea out the window and made Fin's dad an absent parent. President Business only appears in the first 2 minutes of the movie before he leaves to play golf. This means that the second that Fin and his little sister started fighting (and destroying Bricksburg) the dad left.


Batman is obviously a loner, but The Lego Movie 2 makes Batman marry someone -- a pile of bricks of all things. This just goes against everything Batman is. He's heartless, he's careless, and he's bachelor.

In closing, The Lego Movie contained a lot of good character development and The Lego Movie 2 ruined it. The show just exists to suck more money out of a beloved franchise. Characters, storyline, and the morals, are all contradictory to the first film.

~❀~ Elijah ~❀~
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